Egyptians abroad are preparing for the marathon of the 2024 presidential elections, with voting on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
According to the time differences, the Egyptian Embassy in New Zealand will be the first electoral headquarters to open its doors, and will begin receiving voters from the Egyptian community at 10 pm on Thursday (Cairo time), according to the Youm7 website.
The electoral district in the American city of Los Angeles will be the last electoral headquarters to close its doors for Egyptians voting abroad in the 2024 presidential elections.
The final list of candidates includes:
- Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, symbol of the star
- Farid Zahran, head of the Egyptian Democratic Party, symbol of the sun
- Abdel-Sanad Yamama, head of the Wafd Party, symbol of the palm tree
- Hazem Omar, symbol of peace.
In an attempt to ensure the validity of votes in the elections inside the headquarters of missions and consulates, the National Elections Authority, headed by the Voting Mechanism for Egyptians Abroad, has issued that voters must submit proof of their identity before the election committee outside the Arab Republic of Egypt.
This proof be either through a valid national ID card or a valid passport, confirmed by the national number.
According to the authority, the national ID card is not required to be valid when voting in the presidential elections for Egyptians abroad – rather, it is only required that it be valid when using a passport.
Article 140 of the Constitution specifies the term of office of the elected President of the Republic, emphasizing that he may not hold any partisan position throughout the term of the presidency.
It stipulates that the President of the Republic shall be elected for a period of six Gregorian years, starting from the day following the end of his predecessor’s term, and he may not hold the presidency for more than two consecutive presidential terms.